Tomas S. Butkus | Antiessay: "Sock of a Dog" (2000)

Sock of a Dog

A murderer – hospital attendant. In daylight he puts the disguiser on his head. If you write, be yourself, if you are yourself, better don't write, says the tradition. Because nobody does know better than you do what is behind the form that adapts itself, the form that chooses its victim.


Translated by Edgaras Platelis and Kerry Shawn Keys

This text has been published in:
Tomas S. Butkus. Sock of a Dog (Drawing Poems). Klaipėda: Vario burnos, 2000
Vario Burnos. Workshop of Concepts 1992-2002. Catalog(ue). Klaipėda: Klaipėdos menininkų namai, 2002

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